Natural Rubber Natural rubber has an excellent memory capability and abrasion resistance. Its hardness ranges from 35-95 duro and is offered by a variety of colors. It is excellent for the paper and textile industry. It has good resistance to alcohols and dilute acids.

Specialty Compounds
High & Low Grade, Anti-Static, SBR Blend, No Carbon Black.

Generally Resistant To
Water, Air and Average Concentration Acids, Base Alcohols, Salts, Ketones, Best Abrasion Resistance.

Acceptable resistance to ketones and acetate solvents, and poor resistance to oils, aromatic and aliphatic solvents.

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SBR This type of compound offers excellent abrasion resistance and high tear strength, and resistance to weak acids and alcohol’s. The maximum continuous use temperature is 250 degrees F. Such coverings can be use on conveyor drives, pulleys bridle and pinch rolls used in non organic solvent applications. Its hardness ranges from 40-90 duro and offers a variety of colors. SBR offers high tensile strength (Max 3000 psi), it has high quality abrasion.

Specialty Compounds
High & Low Grade, Neoprene Blend, NBR/NR Blend-NM, Natural Blend (i.e. TS60XL).

Generally Resistant To
Water, Air, Anti-Freeze, Detergents, Salt Solutions, Bases, Alcohols and some Acids.

Poor oil, grease, ozone, hydrocarbons and solvents.

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Neoprene Neoprene is general used in a wide range of industrial applications. It is noted for its tensile strength, low compression set, cut, light, heat, aging, radiation and ozone resistance. Temperature service is 250 degrees F. Its hardness ranges from 5-90 duro with a wide range of colors.

Specialty Compounds
Low Grade, High Grade, Medium Grade, Anti-static, Water Resistant, FDA.

Generally Resistant To
Moderate Acids and Chemicals, Ozone, Oils, Fats and Solvents. Oily Abrasive Applications.

Poor resistance to ketones and acetate solvents.

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Nitrile/PVC Nitrile has high excellence to oils and ink applications. Its temperature ranges to 225-250 degrees F. Its hardness ranges from 20-90 duro and is offered by a variety of colors. Nitrile has good tensile, tear, abrasion, compression set, resilience properties.

Specialty Compounds
High Temp, Low Grade, Anti-Static, FDA, USDA.

Poor resistance to ketones and acetates.

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XNBR Chemically XNBR is similar to Nitrile rubber. However, the polymer backbone has been chemically modified with a Carboxylic Acid containing group. The result is a Nitrile rubber with outstanding abrasion resistance and chemical resistance superior to that of traditional Nitrile.
This makes XNBR well suited for a wide variety of applications. XNBR has abrasion resistance which is better and BUNA N, Neoprene, EPDM, Hypalon and Natural Rubber. It is comparable to high strength urethane.

Its most important properties are:
· Resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbons (ie: oil based inks)
· Abrasion resistance
· Cost effectiveness compared to alternative abrasion resistant types
· Ease of manufacturing

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HNBR Available in a hardness range of 45-98.

In the last decade, significant competitive pressures have led companies around the world to evaluate more efficient production technologies. High performance materials that once might have been considered too expensive are now being considered to reduce maintenance and downtime costs. Because of the demand for greater durability and overall performance, roller manufacturers are reevaluating traditional roll coverings and exploring materials with superior characteristics. One of the materials offering significant performance improvement is HNBR. This elastomer was developed to provide better heat and oil resistance than standard NBR grades.

HNBR surpasses conventional NBR compounds in the following areas:
· Mechanical properties
· Dynamic properties
· Oil and fuel resistance
· Heat resistance
· Improved abrasion resistance
· Excellent dynamic properties and low hysteresis
· Improved tear and chunk out resistance
· Retention of roll geometry

At high temperatures HNBR is superior to urethane in both abrasion resistance and dynamic properties. At ambient and high temperatures it has superior tensile, tear and abrasion resistance. And at room temperature it has abrasion resistance equaled only by height strength liquid cast urethane. This balance of properties help HNBR roll covering improve productivity by providing higher performance and reducing downtime and maintenance costs. Head to head trials have shown HNBR compounds last three to five times longer than typical roll coverings.

HNBR compounds also have superior heat resistance. These compounds are stable up to 350F while the best straight NBR compounds degrade at 275F. HNBR’s physical properties are maintained over the range of temperatures, as opposed to urethane elastomers which degrade proportionally to changes in temperatures.

The initial higher cost of HNBR compounds is more than made up for in improved performance and long term savings in maintenance and downtime costs.

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Silicone Silicones have excellent Release (white in color), fair abrasion and cut resistant properties. It’s design for high temperatures application up to 500 degrees F for applications including laminating, plastic film, spot waxing etc... Silicone offers a wide range of colors that includes white, red, grey, black, blue, orange etc. Its hardness ranges to 15-80 duro with a tensile strength ranging from 600-1500 psi. It has excellent reliance and compression set.

Specialty Compounds
Anti-Static 60 duro, FDA White-Conductive to .001 Ohms.

Generally Resistant To
Moderate or Oxiding Chemicals, Ozone, Concentrated Sodium Hydroxide.

Fair oil and solvent resistance.

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EPDM EPDM has an excellent abrasion, zone and ultra violet light resistance. It can be used with ketones, alcohols, glycols and most alkalis. Epdm is chemical saturated so that it is not affected by steam. Its hardness ranges from 25-85 duro. It has good heat resistance and it’s most recommended for film manufacturing, processing, and laminating it also offers excellent insulation characteristics.

Specialty Compounds
High Grade Sulphur & Peroxide, Non Marking, Anti-Static, Premium.

Generally Resistant To
Vegetable and Animal Fats, Oils, Ozone, Many strong and Oxidizing Chemicals, Ketones, Alcohols. 

Poor resistance to oils and aromatic solvents.

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Hypalon Hypalon is recommended for picking lines using oxidizing acids, polyethylene corona treatment rolls, and laminating rolls up to 350 degrees. It has a superior resistance to abrasion, chemical and oxidizing acids. Hardness ranges from 40-90 duro and offers a variety of colors.

Specialty Compounds
Sulphur, Peroxide, Anti-Static, Non Marking,

Generally Resistant To
Strong Acids and Bases, Freon’s, Hydroxides, Ozone, Alcohols, Etching, Alkaline and Hypo chlorite Solutions.

Not for Ketones, Esters, Certain Chlorinated Oxiding Acids, Chlorinated, Nitro and Aromatic Hydrocarbons.

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Urethane Is one of the most outstanding compounds for abrasion and cut resistance. It is found in applications of feed rolls, pinch rolls, idlers rolls, oiling rolls, conveyor pulleys, tension level rolls, and contact rolls on belt sanders. It has tremendous physical strength and high duro is required. Hardness ranges from 60-90 duro with a wide range of colors and it has a tensile strength of 10,000 psi with an elongation of 700%.

Generally Resistant To
Moderate Chemicals, Oils, Fats, Greases and many Hydrocarbons.

Not to be used at high speeds. Not for Concentrated Acids, Ketones, Esters, Chlorinated and Nitro Hydrocarbons

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Viton One of the most high heat resistance of rubbers it has capabilities of 600 degrees F. It offers excellent chemical and solvent resistance, and abrasion and cut resistance even at elevated temperatures; with good compression set. Its hardness ranges from 45-75 duro with a limited of colors offered.

Generally Resistant To
All Aromatic, Aliphatic and Halogenated Hydrocarbons. Many acids, Animal and Vegetable Oils.

Not For: Ketones, Ester, MEK, and Nitro Containing Compounds. High cost. Usually used for last resort.

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Thiokol Used for excellence in graining and coating applications. It provides outstanding resistance to most solvents, including ketone and aromatic and is used in the paint and ink industry. Excellent oil and good solvent resistance and the maximum temperature used for this application are 250 degrees F. Hardness ranges from 35-70 duro with a limited of colors offered.

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